Virginia Research And Extension Innovation Initiative

The Virginia Research and Extension Innovation Initiative will support and partner with agriculture and natural resource industries by promoting translational research, experiential learning, community outreach, and technological advancements to drive private industry and economic growth that benefits the commonwealth and the world.
Discovery and innovation priorities
• Build a SmartFarm Innovation Network that helps rural and urban economies thrive
• Empower local communities to capitalize on the Innovation Campus
• Utilize existing network of VCE and ARECs to expand Virginia Tech’s impact
A new approach to economic and community development
• Be a catalyst for a new bioeconomy in the commonwealth
• Create jobs in rural and urban communities
• Expand experiential learning opportunities for students at ARECS and VCE local offices
Industry partnerships
• Increase partnerships with industries and local, state, and federal agencies using a dedicated team of Virginia Tech industry liaisons and consortia
• Allow for workforce development in rural and urban areas and create a tech talent pipeline